Perdomo Fresco Toro Cigars bundled in the Perdomo tobacco fields of Esteli are premium Nicaraguan cigars with out the Nicaraguan bite or the punch of a high price tag. These are premium cigars at a value price thanks to the absence of a fancy wooden cigar box to make or ship. A Connecticut shade wrapper makes for a darker coloring and good construction. Look for spicy sweet earth tones, mushroom and a pinch of citrus. You can also find some powdered sugar midway, but you will not find a better bargain bundled cigar than the Perdomo Fresco, that’s for sure.
Cigar Details
Length | 6.0 inches |
Ring Size | 50 |
Shape | Toro |
Strength | Mild – Medium |
Color | Natural |
Filler | Nicaragua |
Binder | Nicaragua |
Wrapper | Varies |
Country of Origin | Nicaragua |