Since 1935, the Montecristo brand has been one of the most beloved cigars brands on the market. The Cuban revolution and subsequent Cuban Embargo could not keep Montecristo cigars out of the hands of American aficionados. The Montecristo Red series is an amazing adaptation of the excellent quality and taste that is expected of Montecristo cigars. Montecristo Red are handcrafted in La Romana, Dominican Republic. These cigars are made with premium long-filler Dominican filler tobacco and bound by a silky Connecticut wrapper. The legendary excellence of Montecristo is upheld with the Montecristo Red Toro. The Montecristo Red Toro is everything a premium cigar should be, here at Mike’s Cigars we’ll give you a stellar deal for them.
Cigar Details
Length | 6.25 inches |
Ring Size | 50 |
Shape | |
Strength | Medium – Full |
Color | Natural |
Filler | Dominican Republic |
Binder | Dominican Republic |
Wrapper | Connecticut |
Country of Origin | Dominican Republic |